These are the main characters of my vampire novel,
Before the Dawn. I use this form every time I start a new story, just so I know a little bit about the characters when I start.
Brynna Alexander
Name: Briallan Teague
Race: Human/Vampire (Homo sapien lamia)
Age: 238 (as of 11 October 2012)
Date of Birth: 11 October 1774
Place of Birth: Swansea, Wales
Citizenship: Brynna is a citizen of the United States
Legal Status: No criminal record
Relatives: Dafydd Teague (father, deceased), Anwyn Teague (mother, deceased), Ioan Teague (brother, deceased), Georges Severin (husband)
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 136 lbs
Eye Color: Blue/Gray
Hair Color: Black
Religion: Catholic (not devout)
Intelligence: Above average
Strength: Superhuman
Speed: Superhuman
Stamina: Superhuman
Durability: Superhuman
Agility: Superhuman
Reflexes: Superhuman
Profession (Current): Author
Profession (Former): Farmer, housewife,
Current Alias: Brynna Alexander
Former Alias: None
Usual Base of Operations: 344 Sterling Street, Port Jefferson Station, New York, 11776
Friends/Allies/Confidants: Mason Duvall, Viviana Duvall, Sebastian Eckes, Anna-Marie Guignard, Remy Guignard, Scott Madigan, Lily McConnell, Thomas Roarke, Claudia Roarke, Marina Sutherland, Katherine Sutherland
Enemies: Les Chasseurs des Mort (The Hunters of the Dead)
Skills: Brynna is a talented writer, with a successful career.
Special Abilities: As a vampire, Brynna has all the expected attributes: She is immortal, though she can be killed by exposure to sunlight or beheading; she has to drink blood for nourishment; she can ingest regular food but does not derive any benefit from it; she has the ability to affect the behavior of people around her through voice control (vox vocis imperium), though she is not an expert in this ability (it’s learned, not intrinsic); the ability to cloud minds in order to distract (mens imperium). If angered to the point where her emotions overwhelm her, she is overcome by saevio (rage). This triggers a physical transformation to a more animalistic form.
Source of Special Abilities: Genesis Virus, Haemovore Strain
Interests/Hobbies: Brynna is extremely curious, and will often spend days cruising the internet, moving from one topic to the next. She has always loved to tell stories and has turned that love into a successful career.
Georges Severin
Name: Georges Severin
Race: Human/Immortal (Homo sapien immortalis)
Age: 311 (as of 11 October 2012)
Date of Birth: 15 March 1701
Place of Birth: Chalon-sur-Saone, France
Citizenship: Georges is a citizen of the United States
Legal Status: No criminal record
Relatives: Yves Severin (father, deceased), Fantine Severin (mother, deceased), Armand Severin (brother, deceased), Brynna Alexander (wife)
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 175 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Religion: Catholic (not devout)
Intelligence: Above average
Strength: Normal
Speed: Normal
Stamina: Normal
Durability: Normal
Agility: Normal
Reflexes: Normal
Profession (Current): Day trader, spokesman for Brynna Alexander
Profession (Former): Soldier
Current Alias: None
Former Alias: Gerard Perrault, numerous others
Usual Base of Operations: 344 Sterling Street, Port Jefferson Station, New York, 11776
Friends/Allies/Confidants: Christien Billard, Mason Duvall, Viviana Duvall, Sebastian Eckes, Anna-Marie Guignard, Remy Guignard, Scott Madigan, Lily McConnell, Thomas Roarke, Claudia Roarke, Marina Schell, Katherine Sutherland
Enemies: Les Chasseurs des Mort (The Hunters of the Dead)
Skills: Like many immortals, Georges is something of a jack-of-all-trades. During his life, he has had many occupations and has acquired many skills. He is also a trained soldier who served in the American Civil War, World War I and II.
Special Abilities: Georges is immortal. Barring the complete disintegration of his body, he cannot die.
Source of Special Abilities: Unknown.
Scott Madigan
Name: Scott Madigan
Race: Human/Immortal (Homo sapien immortalis)
Age: 311 (as of 11 October 2012)
Date of Birth: 27 April 1701
Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland
Citizenship: Scott is a citizen of the United States
Legal Status: No criminal record
Relatives: Colm Madigan (father, deceased), Sinead Madigan (mother, deceased)
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 195 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Religion: Agnostic
Intelligence: Above average
Strength: Normal
Speed: Normal
Stamina: Normal
Durability: Normal
Agility: Normal
Reflexes: Normal
Profession (Current): Traveler, mentor to new immortals
Profession (Former): Soldier, newspaper reporter
Current Alias: None
Former Alias:
Usual Base of Operations: Mobile
Friends/Allies/Confidants: Brynna Alexander, Christien Billard, Mason Duvall, Viviana Duvall, Sebastian Eckes, Anna-Marie Guignard, Remy Guignard, Lily McConnell, Thomas Roarke, Claudia Roarke, Marina Schell, Georges Severin, Katherine Sutherland
Enemies: Les Chasseurs des Mort (The Hunters of the Dead)
Skills: Scott is a trained soldier, a natural leader and talented tactician and strategist, having served in the American Civil War, World War I and II, and the Korean War.
Special Abilities: Scott is immortal. Barring the complete disintegration of his body, he cannot die.
Source of Special Abilities: Unknown
Lily McConnell
Name: Lily Madelyn McConnell
Race: Human/Immortal (Homo sapien immortalis)
Age: 46 (as of 11 October 2012)
Date of Birth: 23 January 1966
Place of Birth: Santa Monica, California
Citizenship: Lily is a citizen of the United States
Legal Status: No criminal record
Relatives: Richard McConnell (father), Isabella McConnell (mother), Regina McConnell (sister)
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 140 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Religion: Agnostic
Intelligence: Above average
Strength: Normal
Speed: Normal
Stamina: Normal
Durability: Normal
Agility: Normal
Reflexes: Normal
Profession (Current): Traveler
Profession (Former): Retail sales manager
Current Alias: None
Former Alias: None
Usual Base of Operations: Mobile
Friends/Allies/Confidants: Brynna Alexander, Mason Duvall, Viviana Duvall, Sebastian Eckes, Scott Madigan, Thomas Roarke, Claudia Roarke, Marina Schell, Georges Severin, Katherine Sutherland
Enemies: Les Chasseurs des Mort (The Hunters of the Dead)
Skills: Lily is a keen observer of the world around her, sometimes noticing things missed by others.
Special Abilities: Scott is immortal. Barring the complete disintegration of his body, he cannot die.
Source of Special Abilities: Unknown
Katherine Sutherland
Name: Katherine Sutherland (Kath)
Race: Human/Djinn (Homo sapien veneficus)
Age: 28 (as of 11 October 2012)
Date of Birth: 28 November 1983
Place of Birth: Binghamton, New York
Citizenship: Katherine is a citizen of the United States
Legal Status: No criminal record
Relatives: Daniel Sutherland (father, presumed deceased), Rachel Sutherland (mother, deceased)
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 140 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Religion: Atheist
Intelligence: Above average
Strength: Normal
Speed: Normal
Stamina: Normal
Durability: Normal
Agility: Normal
Reflexes: Normal
Profession (Current): Mage, paranormal investigator, stage magician, adventurer
Profession (Former): None
Current Alias: None
Former Alias: None
Usual Base of Operations: Centereach, New York
Friends/Allies/Confidants: Brynna Alexander, Bronson Kryczyk, Scott Madigan, Lily McConnell, Naia, Marina Schell, Georges Severin,
Enemies: Les Chasseurs des Mort (The Hunters of the Dead), Flaming Cross Clan
Skills: Katherine is a skilled wielder of magic and aggressive fighter, using her magic abilities to their fullest in any conflict.
Special Abilities: Because some of her ancestors are Djinn, Katherine has the ability to manipulate aether, the ambient energy that permeates the Universe. (This is known as dark energy to modern science.) She can use this energy to perform feats that are considered magic by the people around her. She can also use the aether to augment her strength, speed and agility to nearly superhuman levels.
Source of Special Abilities: Natural abilities
Marina Schell
Name: Marina Schell
Race: Human/Djinn (Homo sapien veneficus)
Age: 28 (as of 11 October 2012)
Date of Birth: 13 September 1984
Place of Birth: Stony Brook, New York
Citizenship: Marina is a citizen of the United States
Legal Status: No criminal record
Relatives: Aaron Schell (father), Marianna Schell (mother)
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Religion: Agnostic
Intelligence: Above normal
Strength: Normal
Speed: Normal
Stamina: Normal
Durability: Normal
Agility: Normal
Reflexes: Normal
Profession (Current): Mystic, paranormal investigator, empathic counselor, adventurer, stage assistant for Katherine Sutherland
Profession (Former): None
Current Alias: None
Former Alias: None
Usual Base of Operations: Centereach, New York
Friends/Allies/Confidants: Brynna Alexander, Bronson Kryczyk, Scott Madigan, Lily McConnell, Georges Severin, Katherine Sutherland
Enemies: Les Chasseurs des Mort (The Hunters of the Dead), Flaming Cross Clan
Skills: Marina is a skilled martial artist and an expert marksman
Special Abilities: Marina is a powerful mystic, born with a number of mental abilities. Due to a birth defect, she is unable to talk. She uses her telepathy to communicate. Because both her parents are mages, she does have some magic ability, but theses are on a low level. She can transform a backpack into a bag of holding but not much beyond that.
Source of Special Abilities: Natural abilities.