Saturday, July 31, 2021

31 July 2021

The Fast Fading Light / Finished the third edit, and updated the file. It's getting there. There are a few scene that still need work, and characters who need describing. But that's for the next edit. For now, it's back to first draft writing. This is the way.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

28 July 2021

The Fast Fading Light / Rolling right along with the editing. Feeling better about the story, but there's still a way to go. This is the way.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

18 July 2021

The Fast Fading Light / ...and now, we edit! This is the way.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

17 July 2021

The Fast Fading Light / Printed out and ready for the next edit. At 151 pages, it's longer than I remember. This may take a while. I sigh deeply. This is the way.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

11 July 2021

The Hour of the Wolf / And so, another story is finished. Now to update the file, then forget it for a couple of months. This is the way.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

All The Books Are On Sale Through July 31!

All eleven of my books are now on sale through Smashwords!

Through July 31, all the books are 50-75% off!

The books range across the history of the universe, from the distant past, into the far distant future…

With Eyes Open…, Campfire Stories, A Bright Symmetry, The Fault Lies Not…, Rae, On A Cold Wind, Brianna and the Three, Upon A Far Distant Shore, Raven, Stranger, Wanderer

Hurry! While supplies last! (Which is really an odd thing to say…they're ebooks, after all.)

Find links for the books on my Smashwords Author Page -

Friday, July 9, 2021

Just Another Tip From Your Uncle Mikey

Remember...don't slam your hand down while holding an uncapped fountain pen. I sigh deeply.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

08 July 2021

The Hour of the Wolf / Marching swiftly toward the end, when Denise does something that surprises even her. The end is in sight. This is the way.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

04 July 2021

The Hour of the Wolf / Storming the hideout. Sometimes, when I get stuck on a scene, I'll just note what's supposed to happen there, and come back to it later. Keeps me moving forward. This is the way.

All The Books Are On Sale Through July 31!

 Looking for something good to read?

 All eleven of my books are now on sale through Smashwords!

 Through July 31, all the books are 50-75% off!

 The books range across the history of the universe, from the distant past, into the far distant future…

 With Eyes Open…, Campfire Stories, A Bright Symmetry, The Fault Lies Not…, Rae, On A Cold Wind, Brianna and the Three, Upon A Far Distant Shore, Raven, Stranger, Wanderer

 Hurry! While supplies last! (Which is really an odd thing to say…they're ebooks, after all.)

 Find links for the books on my Smashwords Author Page -

Saturday, July 3, 2021

03 July 2021

My Soul To Keep / Updating the file with this last edit. There's still one point that has to be addressed, and I have to figure out what I'm going to do about a cover. Other than that, it's about ready to go. This is the way.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

All The Books Are On Sale! Through July 31!

Looking for something good to read?

All eleven of my books are now on sale through Smashwords!

Through July 31, all the books are 50-75% off!

The books range across the history of the universe, from the distant past, into the far distant future…

With Eyes Open…, Campfire Stories, A Bright Symmetry, The Fault Lies Not…, Rae, On A Cold Wind, Brianna and the Three, Upon A Far Distant Shore, Raven, Stranger, Wanderer

Hurry! While supplies last! (Which is really an odd thing to say…they're ebooks, after all.

Find links for the books on my Smashwords Author Page -