Wednesday, March 28, 2012

...And It's Been Finished For How Long?

A few years bacck, I completed a novel titled On A Cold Wind.  It concerned the life and times of Caralynn Adrasteia, an artificially created human working for government security in the late twenty-second century.  It was to be the first of four novels, covering a year in Carly's life as she struggles against Efhram Bartok, another Enhanced Human, one who wants to start a revolution.

I had completed the novel, liked how it had turned out then put it aside for what I thought would be the usual waiting period before I started editing.

And then, I completely forgot about it.

I've been doing that a lot lately.

So I've started going through the novel, doing a line-by-line edit on the story.  Hopefully this draft won't take too long to get through.  And, hopefully, I won't forget it again when this edit is finished.

So here's the three main characters, Caralynn Adrasteia, her partner/lover Murphy Greenfield, and the main protagonist, Ehfram Bartok...

Caralynn Adrasteia (Carly)

Name:  Caralynn Adrasteia
Race:  Enhanced Human (Consectetur Humana)

Age:  15 (actual, as of 23 October, 2189)/early 30’s (apparent)
Date of Birth:  23 April, 2174
Place of Birth:  Gregor Mendel Genetic Research Facility, Albany, New York NorAm, Earth
Citizenship:  Carly is a citizen of Earth
Legal Status:  No criminal record
Relatives:  Martin Carleson (surrogate father), the other forty-nine members of Batch JCSeven

Height:  182.88 cm (6’)
Weight:  70.31 kg (155 lbs)
Eye Color:  Gray
Hair Color:  White
Religion:  Atheist
Intelligence:  Genius
Strength:  Enhanced Human
Speed:  Enhanced Human
Stamina:  Enhanced Human
Durability:  Enhanced Human
Agility:  Enhanced Human
Reflexes:  Enhanced Human

Profession/Rank (Current):  Government security agent, adventurer
Profession/Rank (Former):  Farm hand
Current Alias:  Snowflake
Former Alias:  N/A
Personal Weaponry:  Waller-Jameson CZSeventy-Five Phased Plasma Pistol; various others, as needed, provided by EarthGov Security
Usual Base of Operations:  Division Five Center, Oneonta, New York, NorAm, Earth

Friends/Allies/Confidants:  Xavier Bernard, James Browning, Leah Buchanan, Cheryl Dolan, Teresa Frankel, Murphy Greenfield, Harmony Moore, Melody Moore, Alexandra Sinclair, Bryan Styles, Marissa Tolliver
Enemies:  Efhram Bartok, Purists
Skills:  Carly is a skilled investigator, often noticing details others miss.  She is skilled in several martial arts, is an expert marksman and a good pilot.
Special Abilities:  Because she is an Enhanced Human, Carly is stronger than the average human (approximately  four times stronger).  Her senses are also better than average.  Her eyes are about as good as a cat’s, giving her excellent night vision.  (Like a cat’s eyes, Enhanced Human eyes have tapetum lucidum, which reflects light that passes through the retina back into the eye, increasing the eye’s sensitivity to dim light).  Carly can hear a broader range of frequencies and can pick a single voice out of a crowd.  Her sense of smell is so acute, she can recognize most people by scent.
Source of Special Abilities:  Genetic engineering

Murphy Greenfield

Name:  Murphy Greenfield
Race:  Human

Age:  32 (as of 23 October, 2189)
Date of Birth:  17 July, 2157
Place of Birth:  Brisbane, Australia, Earth
Citizenship:  Murphy is a citizen of Earth
Legal Status:  No criminal record
Relatives:  Jamie Greenfield (father, deceased), Zena Greenfield (mother, deceased), Roddy Greenfield (grandfather)

Height:  180.34 (5’11”)
Weight:  79.38 kg (175 lbs)
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:  Sandy Blonde
Religion:  Agnostic
Intelligence:  Above Average
Strength:  Normal
Speed:  Normal
Stamina:  Normal
Durability:  Normal
Agility:  Normal
Reflexes:  Normal

Profession/Rank (Current):  Government security agent, adventurer
Profession/Rank (Former):  None
Current Alias:  Sand
Former Alias:  N/A
Personal Weaponry:  Waller-Jameson CZSeventy-Five Phased Plasma Pistol; various others, as needed, provided by EarthGov Security
Usual Base of Operations:  Division Five Center, Oneonta, New York, NorAm, Earth

Friends/Allies/Confidants: Caralynn Adrasteia, Xavier Bernard, James Browning, Leah Buchanan, Cheryl Dolan, Teresa Frankel, Harmony Moore, Melody Moore, Alexandra Sinclair, Bryan Styles, Marissa Tolliver
Enemies:  Efhram Bartok, Purists
Skills:  Murphy is a skilled agent, trained in several martial arts.  He is also an expert marksman and a good pilot.  He is a good leader, and will often defuse a tense situation with a quick joke.
Special Abilities:  N/A
Source of Special Abilities:  N/A

Efhram Bartok

Name:  Efhram Bartok
Race:  Enhanced Human (Consectetur Humana)

Age:  15 (actual, as of 23 October, 2189)/early 30’s (apparent)
Date of Birth:  22 September, 2174
Place of Birth:  Adam Welles Research Facility, San Francisco, California, NorAm, Earth
Citizenship:  Bartok is a citizen of Earth
Legal Status:  Convicted murderer
Relatives:  The other forty-nine members of Batch ANFifty

Height:  177.8 cm (5’10”)
Weight:  72.57 kg (160 lbs)
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair Color:  Black
Religion:  Atheist
Intelligence:  Genius
Strength:  Enhanced Human
Speed:  Enhanced Human
Stamina:  Enhanced Human
Durability:  Enhanced Human
Agility:  Enhanced Human
Reflexes:  Enhanced Human

Profession/Rank (Current):  N/A
Profession/Rank (Former):  N/A
Current Alias:  N/A
Former Alias:  N/A
Personal Weaponry:  Various, as needed
Usual Base of Operations:  Mobile

Enemies:  Caralynn Adrasteia, Xavier Bernard, Murphy Greenfield
Skills:  Bartok is a skilled leader and a persuasive speaker.
Special Abilities:  Because he is an Enhanced Human, Bartok is stronger than the average human (approximately  four times stronger).  His senses are also better than average.  His eyes are about as good as a cat’s, giving him excellent night vision.  (Like a cat’s eyes, Enhanced Human eyes have tapetum lucidum, which reflects light that passes through the retina back into the eye, increasing the eye’s sensitivity to dim light).  Bartok can hear a broader range of frequencies and can pick a single voice out of a crowd.  His sense of smell is so acute, he can recognize most people by scent.
Source of Special Abilities:  Genetic engineering

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