Friday, August 31, 2012

Progress 08/31/2012

Despite some confusion (never send a character back in time and have him watch's confusing), there's still progress to be made.

With the completion of this story, which is number four of the anthology A Bright Symmetry, I'm one step closer to finishing the project.  There's one last original story to write, then the prologue and epilogue.

As of right now, the status of the stories is like this:  Prologue ("Only Time...", not started); "A God to Dance With" (complete. no other editing); "Really Real" (draft 2 complete, needs a new title); "The Arc of Heaven" (draft 2 complete); "Interlude" (draft 2 complete, needs a new title); "Being" (not started); Epilogue ("...and Forever", not started).

Of course, there's a lot of typing that has to be done.  It's a dull and tedious task that I'm not looking forward to.  I enjoy writing but I hate typing.

I'll post a word count when I get everything typed up.

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